play video title attorney generals
Commonly Confused

Is It 'Attorney Generals' Or 'Attorneys General'?

'Poets laureate'? 'Court-martials'? The curious history of postpositive adjectives in English.

'Poets laureate'? 'Court-martials'? The curious history of postpositive adjectives in English.

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play video title attorney generals
Is It 'Attorney Generals' Or 'Attorneys General'?


'Poets laureate'? 'Court-martials'? The curious history of postpositive adjectives in English.

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An Abbreviated History of American English Spelling


Soop, wimmen, and headake did not make the cut

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Sneaked vs. Snuck


How the irregular 'snuck' sneaked into the dictionary

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The History of 'Cynic'


How an ancient philosophical movement devoted to the pursuit of virtue came to describe eye-rolling criticism.

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How to Read a French Menu


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Is It 'Day today' or 'Day-to-day'?


What about Day Tomorrow?

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Lay vs. Lie


Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference.